Vaginismus Treatment in Mumbai

Vaginismus is a very common but rarely discussed problem that is caused due to the involuntary tensing of the vagina. Most women often face difficulty discussing this concern with anyone else as they feel ashamed to discuss this problem. This causes woman to suffer for a long period of time and they are not able to enjoy their sexual relationship.

The thought that they may not be able to conceive through intercourse is also a major cause of anxiety in females. It is recommended if one is facing vaginismus they must take the help of their doctor to overcome the issues and achieve a normal healthy sexual life. To know more about Vaginismus or Painful Intercourse Treatment in females one can consult the expert Vaginismus Treatment Doctor in Juhu, Mumbai Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital.

What is Vaginismus?

Vaginismus occurs when the muscles around the entrance to the vagina involuntarily contract. This occurs due to automatic, reflexive action, even when the woman is not intending or trying to tighten these muscles, in fact, this occurs opposite to what she is hoping for. People experience it at the start of sex, while inserting a tampon or while getting a pelvic exam. Vaginismus can also make intercourse painful and this is termed as dyspareunia.

This condition is also described as a mind-body response to the fear of vaginal penetration - the vaginal muscles tighten involuntarily, making penetration impossible or very painful. Vaginismus is the body's automatic reaction to the fear of some or all types of vaginal penetration. Whenever penetration is attempted, the vaginal muscles tighten up on their own and one does not have control over it. It is possible that one may suddenly suffer from vaginismus even if she has previously enjoyed painless penetrative sex.


Symptoms of Vaginismus

  • The main symptom of vaginismus is not able to achieve successful penetration during intercourse and the females experience pain or discomfort with attempts. This occurs as a result of spasms within the very strong pelvic floor or pubococcygeus muscle group.
  • Spasm or tightening may also occur in the lower back and thighs and the action is completely involuntary.

Causes of Vaginismus

  • Vaginismus occurs as a result of the body and mind developing a conditioned response to the expectancy of pain. This is an unconscious action, just like a reflexive action against fear or pain. This can be most distressing for women as they really want to respond to arousal and yet find it impossible to go for penetrative sex. The more anxious they become, there will be less arousal and more anxiety.
  • Inadequate sex education is often a feature in vaginismus, resulting in fears about the male penis being unable to fit or the risk of being hurt or torn.
  • Occasionally, a woman may have experienced sexual assault, or abuse and the trauma associated with these experiences may lead to huge fears around the penetration. There are physical causes too – the discomfort caused by vaginal infections like thrush, fissures, urinary tract infections, eczema, and the aftermath of a difficult vaginal delivery can all trigger the spasm in the pectoral muscles. Females in their menopausal phase can sometimes experience vaginismus as a result of hormonal-related vaginal dryness.

If one is suffering from these concerns they can consult the best vaginismus and painful intercourse treatment in Juhu, Mumbai - Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital.

There are several different Vaginismus and painful intercourse treatment in Mumbai, available at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital that can help improve this concern and help women live a healthy, sexually pain-free life:

  • Vaginismus is highly treatable. As every woman’s body anatomy is different, the duration of therapy will vary and improvement can be seen quite rapidly. Therapy is a combination of psychosexual education, slow and measured practice, and pelvic floor exercises.
  • If there’s an obvious physical cause, such as an infection, it can be treated with appropriate medication.
  • If the cause is psychological, sex therapy is recommended in the form of counseling or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). These therapies can help to address any underlying psychological issues, such as fear or anxiety, and can tackle any irrational or incorrect beliefs that you have about sex and, if necessary, be used to educate you about sex. Vaginismus can place huge stresses on a couple’s relationship as well as their sexual life; therapy can help them to overcome these stresses. This is particularly important for a couple wishing to start their family.
  • Trainers are also used as a method of teaching the vagina to accept penetration without automatically closing. Vaginal trainers like tampon-shaped objects in different sizes can help one gradually get used to having something put into your vagina.
  • Having a bath, massage, and breathing exercises are good ways to relax. Relaxation techniques like breathing and gentle touching exercises can help one learn to relax the vaginal muscles.
  • The therapist at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital also teaches a technique called progressive relaxation. This involves tensing and relaxing different muscles in the body in a particular order. One can then practice tensing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles.
  • It’s important to take things slowly and gently and, when one is ready for intercourse, make sure that one is fully aroused before attempting penetration.
  • Pelvic floor exercises, such as squeezing and releasing the pelvic floor muscles, can help gain control over the muscles causing the vagina to close involuntarily. Pelvic floor exercises like squeezing and releasing exercises can help gain control of the vaginal muscles. These exercises are usually recommended while using vaginal trainers.
  • More recently botox injections have been used to help with symptoms. Botox (Botulinum Toxin A) is derived from a strain of bacteria called Clostridium Botulinum. When Botox is injected into a muscle, it blocks the signals sent from the brain which tell the muscle to contract. Botox targets the muscles involved by effectively disarming them and ensuring that they do not send panic signals throughout the body. The body believes that there is no pain being experienced. Botox can help to keep the muscle relaxed for anywhere from three to six months, after which it is hoped that the muscle will be able to contract normally without pain or spasms.
  • Laser for vaginal rejuvenation in Juhu, Mumbai offered by Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, has also been very effective in treating the symptoms of vaginismus.

If one is experiencing any symptoms of vaginismus they can consult a gynaecologist at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital. Dr. Chaitali, Vaginismus Treatment Doctor in India has specific expertise in working with this problem on a regular basis. So, do not shy away. Discuss your problem with her to find an appropriate solution!

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