Wednesday 19, 2025

How to Tighten Loose Va-gina After Pregnancy with Cosmetic Gynaecology Solutions

At present, most women seek cosmetic procedures to maintain their youthfulness and beauty, including that of their genitals. For improving genital appearance and se-xual satisfaction, vag-inal tightening procedures are currently in trend across the globe.

Vag-inal tightening refers to cosmetic gynaecology solutions that aim to restore the lost vag-inal laxity due to advancing age, vag-inal child delivery, or accidents/injuries. It even helps in addressing vag-inal injuries and pelvic floor disorders/complications.

This blog focuses on vag-inal looseness after pregnancy- its causes and its solutions with vag-inal tightening treatment in Mumbai. The insights are shared by, Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, who is a leading cosmetic gynaecologist in Mumbai at Nanavati SuperSpeciality Hospital!

What Causes Loose Va-gina Post-Pregnancy?

Vag-inal loosening is majorly the result of vag-inal child delivery. At the time of the delivery, as the child is pushed out of the vagina, the vag-inal muscles get substantially stretched naturally to accommodate the passing of the baby through the birth canal. The muscle expansion results in the permanent loss of laxity of the vag-inal walls and muscles. The weakening and loss of elasticity of vag-inal tissues also affects the pelvic floor muscles which support the vagina. All of this results in a feeling of a loose vagina.

Other reasons for vag-inal looseness after childbirth include:

  • Hormonal changes- During pregnancy, fluctuating hormones lead to relaxation of the vag-inal muscles, aiding in their stretching during childbirth.
  • Trauma or injury at the time of childbirth- During vag-inal delivery, episiotomies or tears occur in the vag-inal tissues, contributing to a feeling of loose vagina.
  • Multiple births- Women who have undergone more than one vag-inal delivery, may experience significant vag-inal looseness.

What Can Be Done About Vag-inal Looseness After Pregnancy?

Here are the cosmetic gynaecology solutions for vag-inal looseness after childbirth:

1. Vaginoplasty in Mumbai/ Posterior Colporrhaphy- This is a popular surgical procedure to tighten a loose vagina.


The extra tissues in the lining of the vag-inal canal are removed and then the underlying muscles are tightened. The surgery narrows the birth canal and restores the tighter vag-inal opening.


  1. A surgeon makes an incision in the perineum- the area between the anus and the vagina.
  2. Through the incision, the excess vag-inal tissue is removed.
  3. Next, the rest of the vag-inal tissue including the underlying muscles is tightened/ pulled back using sutures.   
  4. The entire surgery is carried out under the effect of local anaesthesia.

2. Radiofrequency (Rf) treatment- This is a minimally invasive approach to treat loose vaginas.


The radiofrequency waves generate thermal energy which heats the vag-inal tissues. The controlled heat injury to the vag-inal tissues triggers the natural healing process of the body where more collagen and elastin are produced, thereby firming and tightening the vag-inal walls.


A specialised radiofrequency device with a probe emitting the radiofrequency waves is inserted into the va-gina to deliver the radiofrequency energy to the vag-inal tissues. The probe is gently moved along the vag-inal canal.

Multiple radiofrequency sessions, typically 2 to 3, in a few weeks gap is required to achieve optimal results. One session lasts for about 15-30 minutes. There is no need for anaesthesia.

3. Fractional CO2 laser treatment- This is an advanced, minimally invasive, FDA-cleared laser technology that can help address vag-inal laxity.


The fractional CO2 laser light energy gets converted to thermal energy that leads to controlled heating of the vag-inal walls. There is a creation of micro-thermal zones- the tiny, targeted areas of heat damage within the vag-inal tissues. The surrounding tissue remains unharmed, allowing for quick healing and improved tissue remodelling.

Furthermore, the laser-generated heat stimulates the fibroblasts in the vag-inal skin to synthesise fresh collagen and elastin fibres, leading to vag-inal tissue thickening and tightening. The thermal energy stimulates new blood vessel formation to improve blood supply to the vag-inal tissues, thereby improving their elasticity and lubrication. The turnover of the epithelial cells lining the vag-inal wall increases, thereby making the mucosal surface healthier.


The Fractional CO2 laser device with a 360-degree probe emitting the radiofrequency waves, is inserted into the va-gina to deliver the laser energy to the vag-inal tissues. The probe is gently moved along the entire vag-inal canal.

Multiple laser sessions, in a few weeks gap are required to achieve optimal results. One session lasts for about 15-30 minutes. There is no need for anaesthesia.

4. Dermal Filler Treatment- A vag-inal filler is a non-surgical, injectable treatment for loose vagina.


The vag-inal filler contains hyaluronic acid, a natural-occurring substance in the skin, responsible for water retention and plumping effect. It helps restore the lost volume and tightness of the outer lips of the va-gina (labia majora) and improves the appearance of the vulva.


A local anaesthesia is applied on the genitals and then the gynaecologist injects a vag-inal filler into the desired areas. Multiple sessions are needed for optimal results.

5. Kegel exercises/ Pelvic floor muscles training- With vag-inal laxity comes the weakening of muscles supporting the pelvic organs. However, with Kegel exercises rightly done every day, women can prevent or control their urine leakage and other pelvic floor issues. A gynaecologist may prescribe Kegel exercises to post-partum females with loose vaginas and even guide them on how to perform them. The Kegel exercises can be performed while sitting or lying down on an empty bladder.

This is how it’s done:

  • Squeeze the muscles used to stop passing gas or urine in midstream to find the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Hold the muscle contraction for 3-5 seconds.
  • Relax the muscles for the next 3-5 seconds.
  • Repeat the above steps, 10 times, do a total of 3 sets daily. Do this with deep, relaxed breathing.

Why Opt for Vag-inal Tightening?

Vag-inal tightening in Mumbai, post-vag-inal childbirth offers both medical and cosmetic benefits, including:

  • Improved se-x  life- The vag-inal laxity or looseness created by pregnancy is addressed with a vag-inal tightening procedure. This allows the women to start enjoying se-x ual activities once again.
  • No bladder problems- With vag-inal tightening procedures, the pelvic floor muscles also get strengthened and the pelvic floor functions properly. This helps alleviate bladder control issues and urinary incontinence that occur after childbirth.
  • Enhanced self-esteem- Vag-inal anatomy gets affected after normal child delivery, potentially causing the females to feel conscious. With the vag-inal tightening procedure, the females can regain their confidence and esteem.

Schedule a Consultation

Vag-inal looseness post-pregnancy can be best addressed by a cosmetic gynaecologist or vag-inal tightening doctor in Mumbai. Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, cosmetic gynaecologist holds specialisation and experience of procedures targeted for tightening the vag-inal canal.

If in post-partum recovery, looking forward to vag-inal tightening near me, schedule a discreet consultation with Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi at Nanavati SuperSpeciality Hospital today.  

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